Swell AI

Generated content for podcasts and videos.

Swell AI is a tool that automates the process of writing and creating content related to podcasts and videos. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) technology to generate written content such as summaries, show notes, social media posts, transcripts, titles, and articles based on the uploaded podcast episodes or videos. The platform offers API integration, Apple Podcast and RSS feed import, and Dropbox or Google Drive export options to manage and share the content produced. Additionally, Swell AI has a chat interface powered by ChatGPT which allows users to write anything using detailed prompts.

The tool is specially designed for podcasters, content creators and businesses who want to save time and effort in creating written content related to their podcasts or videos. Swell AI provides different pricing plans based on the number of uploads per month and the amount of content generated. Hobby plan is free with one upload per month while Professional, Business and Pay as you go plans are available at different monthly rates. Customer testimonials have shown positive results from using this tool; SEO focused companies have successfully generated more content with ease while post-production teams for podcasts have also been able to generate more content quickly.

Swell AI is developed remotely by Cody Schneider and his team with an aim of helping people create valuable written content for their podcasts or videos without spending too much time on it. The tool promises high quality output that can be easily published onto blogs or social media platforms; making it an efficient solution for

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