
Generated podcast assets.

Abney is an AI-powered tool that helps podcasters create written assets from their podcast recordings. It transcribes the audio and uses algorithms to extract relevant information, generate keywords, summaries, and metadata. This provides podcasters with an efficient way to increase search engine optimization and reach a broader audience. The pricing of Abney is not disclosed in the available text, but users can create a free account or use paid subscriptions to access advanced features.

The tool was developed by a London-based startup as part of a suite of podcast-related products that includes bCast hosting software. Abney enables podcasters to quickly produce written content from their audio files, saving time and effort while providing additional access and context for podcast episodes. Through Abney, podcasters can create show notes, episode titles, descriptions, blog posts, keywords, and social media posts from their podcasts with ease.

By leveraging AI technology for its transcription process and generating written assets quickly and accurately, Abney simplifies the task of creating content from podcast recordings for podcasters looking to reach more listeners through search engine optimization. With its range of features available through free accounts or paid subscriptions, it is an attractive choice for those seeking efficient ways to promote their podcasts online.

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