
Automated meeting note generation.

Supernormal is an AI-based platform designed to take the hassle out of meeting notes. It records meetings, transcribes them in real time, and generates shareable notes with just a few clicks. Its multilingual transcription capabilities and unlimited length recordings make it suitable for any size business user. The generated notes can be shared directly into Google Drive, Notion, Quip, Slack, Hubspot, Salesforce and other platforms. Furthermore, users can edit the generated notes and highlight key points as well as comment on them before sharing with a link.

This powerful platform is trusted by top companies such as Forbes, GitHub, Spotify and Google and is absolutely free to use. With Supernormal taking care of the tedious task of note-taking, users are able to focus more on what’s said during their meetings which leads to more productive conversations. It’s no wonder that over 40 000 people have come to rely on this AI-based platform for their meeting note needs!

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