
Summarize scientific publications for students.

Paragraph 1: Notedly is an AI-powered tool designed to help students quickly and efficiently understand complex content. It works by uploading a scientific publication, such as a textbook chapter, news article, or research paper, and then allowing Notedly to scan the material and take notes on it for the user. The notes are generated in seconds and are written in a simple-to-read language that helps students comprehend the material.

Paragraph 2: Notedly also offers an example summary of a news article, academic paper, or textbook chapter, as well as the ability to paste homework to auto generate notes. This enables students to save time by not having to manually take their own notes from assigned readings so they can spend their nights socializing instead.

Paragraph 3: With Notedly, users can save hours per week of reading time without sacrificing their grades. The AI-powered tool makes it easy for students to stay organized and catch up on missed readings without having to spend extra hours manually taking notes.

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