
Improved academic paper understanding.

Paragraph 1: Explainpaper is an AI-based tool designed to help readers better understand academic papers. It uses algorithms to identify complex ideas and provide simple explanations. Readers can upload a paper, highlight any confusing text, and receive an explanation for the highlighted text. This helps them comprehend the paper more effectively.

Paragraph 2: Explainpaper also offers readers the chance to try out the tool on a particular example – Attention Is All You Need – which introduces a new type of network architecture called the Transformer that is based solely on attention mechanisms. With Explainpaper, readers can quickly gain a comprehensive understanding of what this paper is about.

Paragraph 3: In short, Explainpaper makes it much easier for readers to properly comprehend academic papers by providing detailed explanations of difficult texts and concepts. By using this AI-based tool, readers can get a clearer understanding of what they’re reading in a shorter amount of time.

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