Explain Like I'm Five

Simplified explanations for complex topics via website.

ELI5 is a website that simplifies complex topics into easy-to-understand explanations. It uses AI models to generate tailored responses based on the user's intelligence level, which can be set as Really Dumb, Dumb, Smart, or Really Smart. ELI5 covers a variety of topics such as quantum mechanics and the history of the United Nations. The AI model that powers ELI5 may contain errors or inaccuracies, so users should not rely on it for making important decisions.

ELI5 provides an entertaining way to learn something new. Its comedic tone makes learning fun while also providing useful information about complicated subjects. For example, if someone wanted to learn more about quantum physics they could go to ELI5 and get an explanation in simple language without having to read pages of dense text. ELI5 also offers disclaimers pointing out any potential errors in its AI generated responses so that users can take them with a grain of salt when making critical decisions.

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