Website Summary AI

Summarizing websites for better accessibility.

Website Summary AI is an AI tool that helps websites become more understandable to machines. With this tool, users can generate a summary of any website with just one click. All that is required is the input of the website URL and the click of a button. However, there are some restrictions such as a limit of 30 summaries per hour per IP address, caching of each URL for one hour, and the potential for poor results from websites with too much or too little content. Additionally, there is always the possibility that insulting content may be included in summary results so caution should be exercised when using this tool.

Overall, Website Summary AI strives to make websites more accessible to both AI systems and human users by providing an easy way to summarize them in one click. This allows people to quickly understand what each website contains without having to read through all its contents. By helping websites achieve better performance and accessibility, Website Summary AI ultimately makes it easier for everyone to access information online.

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