Compose emails with voice input.
VoxReply is an AI writing assistant that helps users compose email replies quickly and accurately. It accepts any pasted email message as a basis for a reply and enables users to record their reply ideas using their voice. Then, the AI assistant takes over and constructs a grammatically correct and contextually relevant reply in the desired write-up style – from informal to formal. All this is made possible through the website's support of multiple languages, including English, Arabic, French, German, Japanese, etc. The website also has features that cater to visually impaired individuals. Nevertheless, users should be aware that the tool may share input data with third-party services like OpenAI, Google Cloud, and Pipedream for successful email reply generation.
Findly.ai powers VoxReply with its chatbot platform for data warehouses that promises 97% faster insights. As such, those interested can join the waitlist on the website to give it a try. The tool is incredibly helpful for anyone who needs help crafting effective emails or replying quickly without sacrificing quality of content or grammar accuracy. Moreover, upon successful email reply generation, VoxReply will attempt to delete information from third-party services if feasible. With its natural language processing capabilities and fast insights guaranteed by Findly.ai’s chatbot platform, VoxReply offers a time-saving solution for anyone looking to produce error-free email responses easily and efficiently
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