
Manages software dev requirements.

Userdoc is a modern requirements management tool that simplifies the process of creating and managing user stories, personas, and user journeys. By leveraging AI assistance, users can save time generating user stories, personas, and acceptance criteria. Userdoc centralizes knowledge during the discovery, development, and system testing phases of the software development life cycle. The platform's features include the ability to capture requirements in a standard way with user stories and acceptance criteria; create fictional personas including their backgrounds, motivations, and frustrations; explain detailed workflows through the system using user journeys; organize requirements by user type, folder or label; build relationships between user stories, personas and user journeys; sync requirements to project management tools and other systems with ease; collaborate with team members while controlling access; export requirements as Word docs, Excel spreadsheets or CSV files.

Userdoc offers a free 14-day trial with no credit card required as well as simple pricing plans starting at $12 USD per month. The platform automatically generates user stories, acceptance criteria, personas and user journeys enabling users to save significant time during the requirements gathering phase. Furthermore it allows them to control access while collaborating with stakeholders and clients. With these features Userdoc makes it easier for teams to stay organized while capturing all vital information for any product development process.

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