
Search videos for answers using questions.

Paragraph 1: Transvribe is an AI tool that was developed by Zahid to improve productivity when learning from YouTube videos. It makes use of AI embeddings to identify the content of the video and provide results that match the query. The source code for the tool is available on GitHub and it is open source.

Paragraph 2: Transvribe offers a simple way to search for information in videos without having to watch the entire video. It can be used to quickly get answers to questions about topics discussed in the video, allowing users to save time and get the information they need quickly. The tool is easy to use and can be used with any type of video from any source.

Paragraph 3: With Transvribe, users can quickly find relevant information from videos without having to watch them all the way through or take extra notes. This makes it a great tool for learners who are looking for quick answers or want an easier way to search through videos for specific information. It also saves time, allowing users to focus more on their studies instead of spending hours watching irrelevant videos trying to find what they need.

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