Tonkean InvoicesGPT

Automated solution for invoice and spend management.

Tonkean InvoicesGPT is a comprehensive solution that automates invoice and spend management processes. It is designed to be easy to use, requiring only a one-click connection of your email inbox or Google Drive to get started. The platform extracts relevant fields from PDF/invoice files, completes three-way matching verifications, and provides visibility into spend across vendors and departments. Additionally, it updates existing finance systems with relevant information. Tonkean's no-code process builder allows users to customize processes without code while its automation platform automates processes end-to-end. Furthermore, its intelligent request classification and request status tracker provide enterprise governance and control.

Trusted by large companies such as Google and Workday, Tonkean InvoicesGPT has been proven to save companies millions of dollars by eliminating manual tasks and other one-off solutions. It also provides real-time data insights so users can make more informed decisions on how their businesses operate in the future. With Tonkean’s automated solutions, businesses can experience an increase in efficiency while remaining compliant with regulatory laws. Overall, Tonkean InvoicesGPT is the perfect choice for companies who want to streamline their invoice processing operations without sacrificing accuracy or quality of service.

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