
Created personalized Telegram chatbots.

Telechat is a user-friendly tool for creating custom chatbots through ChatGPT. With this tool, users can upload data in different formats to build an AI knowledge base and fine-tune the bot's personality and name. Telechat claims to enable users to set up a Telegram bot in just a few clicks, and they can edit it much like editing an email on the dashboard. Additionally, users can customize their chatbot by deciding whether it can answer outside the provided data, as well as connect it with other channels using ChatGPT integration. One limitation is that the dashboard is only available on laptops at present.

The standout feature of Telechat is its simplicity and speed - no coding skills are required to build a personalized chatbot. Moreover, business inquiries related to this tool can be directed to the founder on LinkedIn. In general, Telechat offers an easy way for those looking to leverage AI and chatbots without having extensive technical knowledge.

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