
Contract Drafting and Review for legal professionals.

Spellbook is an AI Contract Drafting & Review tool developed by Rally Legal that uses the latest OpenAI GPT-3 language model to help legal professionals draft and review contracts. It can instantly create new clauses and entire sections based on the context of an agreement, detect aggressive or unusual terms, suggest important language and clauses that may be missing, as well as reference facts from sources like Wikipedia and books. Spellbook is unique in the GPT-3 space because it has been specifically tuned for contract drafting and is integrated with Microsoft Word.

At the moment, Spellbook is still in early access but users will gradually be able to access the product over time while they continue to perfect it. This AI powered tool promises to revolutionize how lawyers write up contracts by providing them with access to automated drafting capabilities, more efficient document review processes, and even relevant external facts at their fingertips. Ultimately, this product should make contract writing easier and more efficient for legal professionals who use it.

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