
Assisted code generation and refactoring for devs.

Refraction is an AI-powered code generation tool designed to streamline the coding process and boost productivity. Its algorithm can automatically generate code, create unit tests, and document code with natural language processing and machine learning. Refraction supports up to 56 programming languages, including popular ones like Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript. Additionally, its Sublime Text extension enhances the user experience. Companies such as Amazon, Google, and Uber trust Refraction's AI technology in their development processes.

The main aim of Refraction is to make software development easier by automating tedious tasks and allowing developers to focus on the more creative aspects of coding. With this tool developers can copy a block of code into it and select their language or framework to generate the corresponding code efficiently. This eliminates potential errors that may have occurred while manually writing the same code from scratch. The tool also assists in generating automated unit tests and documentation which further reduces time spent on such tasks manually.

In conclusion, Refraction is a powerful yet easy-to-use AI-assisted coding tool that provides developers with an innovative way to speed up their development process while reducing errors at the same time. Its features are trusted by leading companies around the world who rely on its advanced capabilities for their development needs.

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