Reflect AI

Encrypted note-taking synced and tracked.

Reflect is a powerful and intuitive note-taking app that uses GPT-4 to make capturing ideas, books, and meetings easier than ever. It helps users quickly capture their thoughts and sync them across all devices in real-time with ease. The Reflect App also supports custom prompts, end-to-end encryption for complete privacy, backlinking of notes for easy reference, and offers a one-click sharing feature so you can easily share what you write with others. Additionally, the app allows you to save snippets from your browser or Kindle directly into your notes.

The makers of Reflect App, LLC., are dedicated to helping people think more efficiently and productively. They offer an affordable monthly subscription plan as well as a 14-day free trial period so everyone can try it out first before committing to the service. With its intuitive design and features like GPT-4 integration, end-to-end encryption, one click sharing capability and more - Reflect is certainly worth considering if you’re looking for a powerful note taking solution.

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