Quazilla by Squad

Improving personal growth and goal tracking.

Quazilla is an AI-powered personal coaching tool that helps users set and achieve personalized goals and develop positive habits. Powered by ChatGPT, an AI conversational agent, Quazilla engages users in conversations tailored to their goals, habits and preferences. With features like daily check-ins to track progress and reminders for encouragement, the app is designed to make forming healthy habits both sustainable and enjoyable. The tool is accessible through WhatsApp and can be downloaded from the App Store on iOS devices.

For those looking to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, Quazilla could be a great choice. By having conversations with the AI-powered coach, users will receive personalized tips and recommendations based on their individual circumstances that can help them reach their goals. Additionally, Quazilla is part of Squad Habits - a group accountability app and habit tracker - helping provide further motivation for users to stay on track with their plans.

Overall, Quazilla provides an engaging way for individuals to form lasting habits while keeping them accountable throughout their journey towards success. With its friendly AI monster coach leading the way, it's easy to receive emotional support at any time of the day as well as engaging conversations tailored specifically towards one’s needs.

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