Qualifyed.AI - Lookalike Audiences

Audience targeting prediction for businesses.

Qualifyed's AI Predictive Audiences helps businesses target and convert cold prospects into customers with maximum accuracy. The tool ingests a file of 1st party data of US consumers, runs it against marketing databases, and applies a machine learning algorithmic model to pre-score different US populations. This audience is then ingested into the businesses' ad account for creating new, highly targeted audiences. Fortune 500 companies pay six figures per year for this technology, but Qualifyed has democratized the technology to make it available to small and medium businesses at a fraction of the cost without any long-term contracts.

By using AI Predictive Audiences, businesses can unlock their potential customer base's cold audience who share similar characteristics with existing customers. This allows them to get higher return on ad spend (ROAS), ensuring that they are targeting the right people at the right time with minimal effort required from their team. Qualifyed's technology ensures maximum accuracy in targeting prospects, giving businesses more control over their campaigns and allowing them to achieve better results in less time.

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