Puzzle Labs

Information simplification for product.

Puzzle Labs is an AI-powered glossary tool that simplifies complex information for companies and their customers. With its three easy steps - import content, create intelligent glossaries, and publish the Puzzle Widget - users can quickly connect documents and blog posts to key concepts. The widget automatically updates when new concepts are added, streamlining customer onboarding and education. Puzzle Labs also provides tools to create a great customer experience and help customers learn from the company rather than from a search engine. Compatible with various content formats like WordPress, Medium, HTML, and markdown, the tool is free to try out with different pricing plans available.

Furthermore, Puzzle Labs offers multiple features to make customer education more effective. It has an intuitive interface which allows users to quickly add keywords or phrases into their glossaries so that customers can easily find what they need. Additionally, it has a smart indexing system for better navigation and searchability of content. Plus, it allows users to customize colors or fonts in order to match their brand identity. As such, Puzzle Labs provides a comprehensive solution for empowering companies to deliver exceptional customer experiences through efficient knowledge management processes.

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