Presto AI

Drive-thru assist boosted restaurant productivity.

Presto is an AI-driven automation tool specifically designed for drive-thru restaurants. It utilizes voice assistant technology and machine learning algorithms to provide reliable and cost-effective solutions. It has a rich feature set that covers ease of installation, 24/7 availability, labor savings, and upselling capabilities. Additionally, Presto Vision provides 16 operational metrics in real-time to reduce wait times and increase order accuracy. This ensures a superior guest experience that leads to loyalty and repeat visits. The system can operate 24/7 with 95% of orders having no human intervention. It is the most popular solution for drive-thru restaurants in the US, offering a media kit, investor relations, blogs, and more through its online platform.

The scalability of Presto makes it ideal for businesses looking to automate their drive-thru processes while still maintaining precision control over operations. With its AI technology processing orders quickly and accurately, customers will have the best possible experience when they visit a restaurant using Presto's services. Moreover, businesses can be assured that their order accuracy will remain high with minimal human intervention required throughout the day.

Presto is quickly becoming essential for drive-thru operations across the globe due to its proven track record in thousands of locations worldwide. Its cost savings in labor costs combined with revenue gained from upselling makes it an attractive proposition for any business looking to improve their customer service and efficiency without sacrificing quality control or accuracy. The system

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