
Generated music playlists.

Playlistable is an AI-powered playlist generator that allows users to discover new music and craft unique playlists based on their mood, occasion, and style. The tool utilizes ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) to analyze a user's listening history or inputted mood prompt and generate up to 50 song selections tailored to the individual's preferences. Upon selecting songs, the service seamlessly integrates with Spotify for easy listening on the go and adds them automatically to the user's account. Playlistable offers a free plan with three AI-generated playlists, as well as additional plans starting at $6 for ten playlists. It provides priority support for users on higher-tier pricing plans while preserving their privacy by not storing any data.

The intuitive tool makes it simple for anyone to easily find new music and create personalized playlists without any hassle. By inputting individual mood prompts, users can get an unlimited number of song recommendations tailored specifically to them. Additionally, the seamless integration with Spotify lets them listen to their playlists while on the go at any time. With Playlistable’s reliable service and user-friendly features, users will enjoy a great music listening experience every time they use it.

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