
Generated personalized stories from images uploaded.

It can also boost users’ income through its affiliate program.

PicTales is an AI-powered tool that can generate unique stories from images. Users are able to choose a genre and language, while the AI engine provides personalized experiences each time. PicTales is developed by Kites.Dev, and is featured on multiple social media platforms as well as SaaS AI Tools directory and Product Hunt. It has a user-friendly interface which makes it easy to sign up and start generating stories.

The platform offers various features such as the ability to choose different genres and languages, as well as a free trial for users to test the tool before purchasing it. Additionally, PicTales also comes with an affiliate program where users can earn rewards for every customer they bring in.

In conclusion, PicTales is an effective tool that uses AI technology to generate unique stories from images, while providing users with customizable options such as genre and language selection. Not only does it have credible social media support but also offers an affiliate program for extra income generation opportunities.

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