
Platform for persona-based marketing research.

Through its AI language models, the platform allows users to build an AI version of their buyer persona. This helps researchers focus their research efforts on relevant areas by asking questions from predefined personas and evaluating content from that perspective. Additionally, OpinioAI offers a range of features to help researchers work faster and easier, such as bulk answers, analysis, and reporting.

OpinioAI is an AI-powered research tool designed to simplify marketing research with meaningful insights. The platform eliminates the need for traditional data collection methods like surveys or polls by allowing researchers to ask questions from predefined personas and evaluate content from that perspective. This approach enables users to quickly build an AI version of their buyer persona and focus their research efforts on relevant areas. The current feature set includes persona traits over a vanilla model, but the creators plan to expand it in the future with fine-tuned models, complex survey design, bulk answers, analysis, and reporting. With OpinioAI's free sign-up option and flexible pricing plans tailored for different customer needs, researchers can get started quickly while maintaining control over their budget.

OpinioAI is revolutionizing the way marketers conduct product and marketing research. By leveraging AI language models such as GPT-3, it provides accurate insights while reducing time spent on manual data collection processes such as surveys or polls. Furthermore, the platform allows users to create an AI version of their buyer persona so they can ask questions tailored specifically for that persona

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