Oatmeal Health

Cancer screening service through machine learning.

Oatmeal Health is a virtual-first service that helps Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), payers, and employers detect cancer early and reduce healthcare costs. The company’s main product is an AI-enabled cancer screening tool that leverages machine learning technologies to identify and screen high-risk patients for lung cancer. It also provides continuous patient education and rescreening using culturally sensitive micro-nudges. Oatmeal Health collaborates with nonprofits, companies, governments, and other organizations to address complex healthcare challenges on a national scale. The tool saves lives by detecting cancer early, costing $237K per early detection. It also allows providers and health plans to offer preventative image-based lung cancer screening services at scale.

The clinical team at Oatmeal Health confirms patient eligibility per USPSTF guidelines and schedules appointments for patients with transport and incentives. They work together with veterans, clinicians, and other partners to ensure the best outcomes for their users. The company has been successful in providing innovative solutions to promote better preventive care for underserved Americans through its integrated end-to-end screening service that offers virtual and in-person care options.

Oatmeal Health is dedicated to helping people access better healthcare options while reducing healthcare costs associated with treating serious diseases like lung cancer. Through its AI-powered technology platform, it is able to identify vulnerable populations who may be more likely to suffer from this disease – allowing them to receive timely prevent

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