
Tailored pen pal communication offline.

Lettergram is an AI-powered tool designed to bring the nostalgia and intimacy of physical letter writing back into our digital age. The service allows users to connect with a pen pal through personalized physical letters exchanged in the mail. To use Lettergram, users select their preferred pen pal from a variety of options, including a Southern Civil War Soldier, a World War I Soldier, or a Moon colonist. They can also write their own letters and choose from different subscription plans that offer varying levels of letter frequency and page limits. After signing up for the service, they will receive their first letter within 5-14 days.

Lettergram offers users several advantages: it prioritizes user privacy and security and keeps personal information confidential; it provides discounts on annual plans; and it makes physical letter writing more accessible than ever before. With Lettergram's AI capabilities, users can experience the nostalgia of traditional letter writing without sacrificing modern convenience. As users continue to send and receive handwritten letters with their pen pals, they deepen their connection in a way that only physical letters can provide.

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