Job Hunt Mode

Job search platform with personalized career support.

Job Hunt Mode is an AI-powered automated career services platform that offers a wide range of features to help individuals navigate job hunting. One of the key features of the platform is its ability to generate an AI knowledge graph from user resumes, which can be used to provide personalized career advice, resumes and career path recommendations. Additionally, Job Hunt Mode also uses OpenAI API and gpt-4 model to provide personalized career advice. Furthermore, AI Writers are available to generate content tailored to the employer's needs while human employees further customize the content based on job description and requirements.

Overall, Job Hunt Mode provides users with all the necessary tools they need for a successful job hunt process. With its automated services and AI-generated content, users are able to make use of their transferable skills while staying competitive in today's job market. The platform also offers support via an inbox-based system year round for added convenience. With Job Hunt Mode’s comprehensive suite of services, individuals can feel confident in their job search journey and increase their chances of landing a great position faster than ever before.

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