Guide AI

Generated audio guides for locations.

Paragraph 1: Guide.AI is an AI-powered platform that allows users to create, publish and sell audio guides for any location. It utilizes advanced AI text-to-speech technology, which ensures high-quality audio guides that can cater to the need of partially-sighted visitors. The platform offers three finance models suited for everyone and promotes inclusivity with automatic translation into 11 foreign languages.

Paragraph 2: Guide.AI app provides an opportunity for authors to earn revenue from guide sales through three different publication routes: Free Audio Guides, Sell Audio Guides and Author Revenue from Each Guide Sale. It is a great tool for those who seek passive income without further work once an audio guide has been published and it also provides a testing feature allowing authors to try their guides on the app before publishing them.

Paragraph 3: Guide.AI's goal is to change the audio guide landscape, enhancing the experience for visitors while adding value for the authors. It is suitable for those with little spare time as they can get their audio guide created for them without needing any recordings or knowledge of multiple languages, making attractions and destinations more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

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