Plagiarism detection for educational institutions.
The company is committed to providing the best AI detection tool for users.
GPTZero is an AI detection tool designed for educators and anyone who wants to detect AI-generated texts. With over a million users and features featured in major news outlets like CNN, BBC, and The New York Times, GPTZero offers a holistic score for the amount of AI-generated content in a document as well as highlighting individual sentences generated by AI. It also supports batch uploads which makes it easy for teachers to check an entire classroom’s work at once.
The GPTZero API allows organizations to easily integrate the tool into their systems. It's easy to use with support provided for customizing endpoints according to customer requirements. Documentation is available via the website. Educators from various institutions worldwide such as NYU and Purdue have used GPTZero successfully which demonstrates its reliability in detecting AI-generated text.
The GPTZero team strives to improve their tool through partnerships with organisations like K16 Solutions and Canvas so that they can constantly update and improve it for users. They are devoted to providing the best AI detection tool possible so that customers can trust in its accuracy when identifying potential AI-generated texts.
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