Discord Diffusion

Customizable bot generates images from Discord prompts.

Discord Diffusion is a Discordbot by Stability AI, which makes it easy for users to generate images on their Discord servers. All they have to do is type @Bot your image prompt and the bot will respond with an image. Installing the bot requires linking their Discord and Stability AI credentials and enabling Privileged Intents. The bot uses Autocode's web editor and serverless hosting platform, as well as its built-in Discord event routing, to route responses to a specific file. It then speaks to Stability AI's API and generates an image using some default parameters provided in the user's prompt. Finally, it updates the message with the attached image once generated.

For those who want to improve the bot, they can use different prompts and models via Stability AI’s API or connect it to other apps like Twitter, Slack, or Email. To get support for Discord Diffusion, users can join Autocode’s official Discord server or contact them directly through email.

Overall, Discord Diffusion is a great way for users to easily create images on their servers without much effort. With Autocode's integration of APIs and serverless hosting platforms plus its built-in event routing features, users can customize their bots according to their preferences or even link it up with other applications for further convenience. For any inquiries regarding this bot or help with setting up their own bots, users can rely on Autocode’s support system

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