
Assisted podcast search and Q&A.

Dexa is an AI-powered tool that provides users with a unique and personalized experience when exploring and searching through podcasts. It allows users to sign in and pose questions to AI bots sourced directly from their favorite podcast episodes, tailored specifically to the user's inquiries. Not only can users search for relevant episodes by keyword, topic, or guest, but they also have access to early releases of popular shows like Huberman Lab, Lex Fridman Podcast, The Jordan Harbinger Show, The Knowledge Project, Infinite Loops and Found My Fitness. Furthermore, Dexa offers its own AI assistant called Dr. Andrew Huberman who can provide helpful suggestions on topics such as creating a daily morning routine that includes adequate sunlight exposure and exercise.

Overall, Dexa provides an intuitive interface for podcast exploration that is designed to save time and keep users informed about their favorite shows. By leveraging artificial intelligence technology it delivers an interactive experience beyond what was previously possible with traditional podcasting services. With Dexa's AI-assisted features users can now explore hundreds of podcasts with ease while receiving tailored answers to their questions from the comfort of their own home.

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