DeepCuts AI

Spotify data analysis through natural language text.

DeepCuts is an AI powered app from Seek AI that enables Spotify users to explore their data in a more comprehensive fashion. By asking questions in natural language, users can quickly and easily obtain the information they need. DeepCuts allows users to ask for the top 10 genres listened to, or who listens to 'float house'. It is part of the larger Seek AI platform which helps data teams get answers to their queries quickly.

The app is available for trial use and before using it, users should be aware of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy provided by Seek AI Inc. To ensure user safety while using DeepCuts, these terms must be acknowledged and adhered to at all times. Furthermore, this app does not replace any existing music streaming service or have access to any other similar services. It is only designed as a tool for exploring one's Spotify usage habits in greater detail.

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