Deep Nostalgia

Animation of photos to replicate facial expressions.

It uses cutting-edge deep learning technology to animate the faces of family photos, bringing them to life in a realistic and high-quality video clip. The process involves enhancing the photos for improved results, before applying a series of drivers pre-created by MyHeritage. These drivers accurately replicate facial expressions and movements of the people in the photo, resulting in a short video clip that can be shared with family and friends. With this technology, up to 5 faces can be animated in a single photo within just a few moments. Once created, all rights to the video clip remain with the user.

MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia™ is an innovative way to bring history alive. This powerful tool leverages deep learning technology to animate static photos, creating realistic and high-quality video clips that capture the expressions and movements of those featured in them. Photos are enhanced prior to animation, allowing for accurate replication of facial features using pre-created drivers developed by MyHeritage. This process can animate up to 5 faces at once, taking only moments for completion. Afterward, users maintain full rights over their newly created video clip which they can then share with loved ones or keep as part of their own personal archive.

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