
Assistance for understanding smart contracts. is a tool designed to make the process of reading and understanding smart contracts easier. Syntax highlighting, dark mode, and large file support are some of the features that will help users comprehend complex contracts more easily. currently supports mainnet Ethereum, with plans to support testnets and other chains in the future. If a user runs into any issues with their contract, they can tweet at the team who will investigate further. Furthermore, upcoming features include writing to contracts, audit capabilities, testnet support, and more.

The team behind consists of experienced developers and crypto enthusiasts. The co-founder has a background in product development while the UI/UX expert is passionate about designing software that is both elegant and practical. Together they have created an intuitive tool which makes it simpler for those working in blockchain development to read and understand smart contracts without confusion or frustration.

Overall, provides users with a suite of features that make it easy for anyone to comprehend complex smart contracts quickly and accurately – something that was previously challenging without extensive experience in coding languages like Solidity or Vyper. The tool was created by experts in their fields who are continually updating it with new features so users can reap its full benefits when dealing with blockchain technology projects going forward.

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