
A simple way to add an embedded website search.

Paragraph 1: Collie is an AI tool that provides a simple and efficient way to add an embedded search bar to your website. The tool uses an automated web scraping program known as Collie fetcher, which extracts content, media, and files from the website, making them searchable. In terms of security, Collie extracts content and files securely, and users can delete their files anytime by contacting the team. The crawling process speed depends on the pages on the website, but users receive an email from when the search is ready.

Paragraph 2: Collie supports various file formats including PDFs, Images, Videos, Audio, HTML, and Text. It is free for up to 1000 pages or files and users can search private content by signing up for the beta version. Additionally, users can add search bars to their websites by using the API or the search bar provided by Collie.

Paragraph 3:Collie aims to provide excellent search experiences to website users just like border collies are known for their intellect, speed and herding skills. By utilizing this AI tool one can easily navigate through sites and access required information quickly without wasting time searching manually or scrolling through a long list of items on a page.

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