Attune health

Measuring vital signs without contact via smartphone.

The Attune Health Mobile App is an AI-powered health and wellness tool that offers contactless measurement of vital signs such as blood pressure, oxygen saturation, HRV, stress levels, and Hemoglobin. The app is easy to use – users simply need to take images with their smartphone camera and the tool analyses them to provide real-time measurements. Moreover, there is no need for any wearable devices. It also ensures user privacy by guaranteeing that no one else has access to their data. Additionally, the app features a wellness score feature which allows users to keep track of their wellness markers.

The Attune Health Mobile App can be downloaded for free and can be used by individuals or corporations. Individuals can use it for their family members while corporations can promote wellness among employees which leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction. Furthermore, Attune Health provides resources on its website such as a help center, blog, and roadmap which enhance user experience even more.

Overall, the Attune Health Mobile App is an innovative AI tool that makes health monitoring accessible for everyone by providing easy and affordable access to vital signs measurements. It also ensures user privacy as well as helping individuals maintain good health through tracking tools such as the wellness score feature.

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